Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tips on how to lose weight and STICK WITH IT

We all want to lose weight, but we might need some pointers on how to get started. Here are some of my own personal tips for you to use.

-Write down all of your goals.  Write down why its important to reach those goals. Then put it somewhere where you will see it every day. Could be in your phone, your fridge, your car, wherever. Try to read over it at least twice a day as a daily reminder to yourself. The more you look at your goals, the more you'll think about reaching them.

-After you've written down your goals, write down a game plan describing how you're going to go about reaching those goals. What plans do you have in place to get those last 5 lbs off? Whatever your goal is, plan accordingly. For example, you could tell yourself that you're planning on working out 6 days a week.

-Get on a work out program (or figure out a workout routine) and TAKE ACTION immediately. Do a little a day, then challenge yourself a little more, and sooner or later you'll be working out 6 days a week! DON'T START doing it 6 days!!! START SLOW, and BUILD YOURSELF UP! THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP!

-Eat 80% clean foods and indulge 20% of the time. Definitely don't deprive yourself. It's important to be balanced in what your eating! Letting yourself indulge will help you stick with it.

-Keep a food diary-it helps you see what you're eating and keeps you accountable. Join peertrainer.com and log your foods there, or in a regular diary. In peertrainer you can connect with a whole community and they can look at all of your logs and monitor you (if you ask.) It's an awesome way to keep yourself accountable-i did this and lost 40 lbs!

-Tell your friends/family/co workers what your goal is so that they will be understanding and help support you. You don't want to go to a clean diet and have people giving you lots of candy for gifts!!

-Take a rest day. Allow your body to rest and recover-also good for not burning out on your workouts!

-Find a workout thats FUN and that doesn't feel like working out. For me, when I go to the gym-its not fun. But p90x is fun (to me.) So i choose to do that. Do what you enjoy so you'll keep up with it!

-Make healthy food TASTE GOOD. Healthy eating does NOT mean BLAND. Look up recipes online (there are TONS of great websites-eatclean is one of them!). If you make what you eat YUMMY and don't get bored, you'll stay consistent with it!

-Embrace that you're losing weight and focus ALL of your activities around it. It will CONSTANTLY keep your reminded that you are in this for the long run.

-Find a workout buddy!Or a cooking buddy!

-Cook all of your meals for the week ahead of time! Prep everything, so that you can grab and go! That way you don't have the excuse of eating a fast food meal!

-KEEP ALL JUNK FOODS OUT of your house/fridge! If it's in there, you'll eat it!

-BELIEVE you can do it! Tell yourself everyday that you are getting stronger and TRAIN YOUR MIND to lead you to SUCCESS! Let go of all the negative talk (the voice in your head that says it's too hard) and instead talk POSITIVELY to yourself! It makes a HUGE difference! 

-Practice doing all of these good habits for at least 30-60 days. Sooner or later they'll become natural! And they'll be HABITS that you REFUSE to break! And how easy was that? The weight stays OFF!

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