I used to be that girl on the left. Depressed, miserable, overweight, with low self esteem. I hated looking in the mirror/taking pictures. I remember thinking about getting the weight off, and feeling so overwhelmed. I didn't know where to start, or if it was even possible for me to lose the weight. My confidence was so low I wasn't sure I'd succeed.
But, something within me said go for it anyway. I wanted to lose weight and get healthy so bad, I was willing to start, even if I had no idea what I was doing. So I began. With anything,starting is the hardest part. But I was determined.
▪I would get up and start small-meaning id just do 10 minutes. I'd do jumping jacks, run in place, do lunges, squats, or find a random, short, easy workout on pinterest.Id do anything to get my heart rate going.
▪Then, once I built the habit of getting up and simply moving, I worked my way up to 20 mins, and then started doing cardio on the treadmill. My dad (being a personal trainer) was a huge help when it came to learning how to lift weights. I wasn't open to lifting at first, I started with kettle bells then worked up to dumbbells/weight equipment.
▪My dad taught me a lot about nutrition, I began just monitoring my portions. Then, I would add more veggies, then slowly took away certain foods and replaced them. The key word here is SLOWLY.
Don't try to do it all at once. You will fail. You'll get burned out. You have to pace yourself. With working out, (worked my way up to 6 days a week) and eating the right foods/right portions, the weight eventually fell off. Was it easy? No. Did I feel like giving up? Yup. But I kept going. I was ready for change.
You see-that's key, you have to be READY-mentally. And you can get yourself ready-Meaning you're going to have to do some mind work.
▪Daily positive affirmations are a start. I'll post more on those soon.
The moral of this story is, I used to be that girl-overweight, depressed, but I turned myself around because I decided to make some changes in my daily habits. If I can do it, you CAN as well. You just have to trust the process and just begin. Don't be afraid to give it all you got. And don't be afraid of failing along the way, that's how you learn.

For more tips, check my blog for updates! I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your journey.
Want to chat? OR want more tips/motivation? Friend me on fb:facebook.com/lovep90x ;) OR email. If you do friend/email me, please send me a quick message telling me where you found me!! Looking forward to helping you more!
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